Child / Parent Dedication Application

Please fill out the form to meet with one of our pastors to review the dedication process.
Interested in having your child dedicated?

Child dedications are a church tradition.  At The Well pphc, we believe dedicating children is an opportunity for parents to publicly join in a covenant with God, their children, and our church family. This is a commitment as parents to follow Jesus, to model the Christian life, and shepherd their children to know and love Jesus.

Child dedications are not a replacement for baptism.  It is also not a means of salvation or protection for your child.  We pray your children will develop a relationship with Jesus Christ and choose to get baptized.  This dedication is simply an outward act of the parents' inward commitment

Parent's Information

Child's Information


Please select one option.
Please select one option.
The requested pastor you indicate will schedule a date and time at least 2 weeks prior to the dedication to discuss the dedication process. The meeting will last no longer than 30 minutes.


Please fill out the form to meet with one of our pastors to review the dedication process.